What Causes Nail Fungus?
Nail fungus can be caused by several different things and the cause of the infection is often difficult or even impossible to identify.
Here are some common nail fungus culprits:
Growing Older. It’s inevitable but as we age our bodies begin to break down and our
immune systems to weaken. It is estimated that 1 in 3 people over the age of 50 contract
nail fungus. The most common cause of nail fungus is aging due to the following factors:
Weakening immune system
Poor circulation
Decreased nail growth
Medical problems such as Diabetes
Injury. Blunt force trauma or any other injury to the nail results in dammage that
could uplift the nail causing the nail bed to be more susceptible to entry by bacteria,
dermatophytes, among other germs. Trauma to the nail could result from something as simple
as stubbing your toe or dropping an object on your foot.
Moisture. Dermataophytes and other bacteria thrive in warm, moist
environments very similar to the environment created in closed toe shoes. Closed toe shoes
serve as the perfect breeding ground for bacteria especially in the summertime when foot
perspiration is more common. For this reason, toenail fungus is far more likely to occur
than fingernail fungus.
Manicures and Pedicures. Be weary of any salon that doesn’t abide by a
strict standard for sanitation procedure between clients. Equipment and instruments used by
your nail technician during a manicure or pedicure such as a nail file, clippers, cuticle
cutter, and other instruments should be washed thoroughly between uses in an antibacterial
soap and then soaked in a Fungicidal solution to properly disinfect for the required length
of time to kill any and all bacteria. It is not uncommon for reputable spas and salons to use
disposable instruments between each client to ensure safety and prevent an outbreak of nail
fungus among their clientele. If you are suspicious you may have contracted nail fungus from
your local nail salon, give them a call ahead of time and inquire about their sanitation
procedure, the quality of the disinfectant they use to sterilize their instruments, and if
they rinse their foot baths or allow them to soak in a Fungicidal or Sporicidal solution
between clients. If you prefer to be more elusive, you check for a certificate of health
inspection which is likely hanging prominently on their wall.
Public Places.. Showers, Sidewalks, Pools, Locker Rooms. Avoid walking
barefoot in any of these publics places they are prime opportunities to contract a nail
infection and one of the major causes of nail fungus. In general, walking barefoot in any
public place that is dark, wet, and where other people frequently walk barefoot dramatically
increases the likelihood of toenail fungus. Wear water shoes or flip flops to be on the safe
Athlete’s Foot. Did you know the same fungal bacteria that causes
Athlete’s foot can cause toenail fungus, too? It’s true, athlete’s foot is a fungal infection
of the dermis whereas nail fungus is concentrated underneath the nail bed.
Shoes and Socks. This goes without say, always wear fresh, clean socks
made out of a
material that breathe. If your old gym sneakers have lasted the past 3 years it’s time to
swap them out for a newer more sanitary pair. Mesh shoes allow the foot to breathe more and
are a safer candidiate to wear. In the summertime, wear open toed shoes or sandals to allow
your feet to get some air.
if you have contracted nail fungus already, please refer to our Best Practices Guide for fungus.