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Who Are We?

Dr. Mayus is a practicing internist based out Connecticut. He has helped provide insight and validate scientific based data on NailFungusAnswers.com. NailFungusAnswers.com is part of a network of health based resource websites aimed at providing educational information and a forum for discussion regarding the different health ailments that plague us.

Future additions to our network include STD diagnosis and resources as well as health based validation for third party websites offering scientific based health claims. Our editors are comprised of writers that have been working in the health space for over +5 years as well as registered nurses and talented editors.

Our goal is to provide simple resources for those looking for quick answers on how to deal with their ailment. We aim to help provide a realistic expectation for one of the more harmless yet difficult and long lasting conditions, nail fungus (Onychomycosis).

Reviewed and writing contributions by

Dr. Mayus internal Medicine, Connecticut