Home Rating Criteria

Our Rating System

The rating system used throughout this website is based on a few simple variables. Our customer survey, the opinion of editors, and feedback left from customers like you. You can view the ongoing results of our customer survey by visiting the case studies section of this website. Please take part in the survey at your convenience to help improve our ratings.

OVERALL SCORE: The overall score is based on the opinion of our editor. We evaluate every product reviewed by purchasing the product and personally using it, evaluating the label, ingredients, and policies as well as the purchasing experience. We photograph every product reviewed on the website and provide insight on our experience with customer service, return policies, and overall experience.

CUSTOMER RATING: This figure is a direct correlation of the feedback left in the online survey. Please participate in the survey at your convenience.

EST. SAMPLE SIZE: This is a direct correlation to the number of survey responses we receive on this website and via email.

EST. TREATMENT TIME: The estimated time taken to see results based on user feedback in our survey. It’s important to realize that these results may not be typical for all users and are not guaranteed.

Reviewed and writing contributions by

Dr. Mayus Internal Medicine, Connecticut