Uncommon Herbal Treatment Options For Nail Fungus

  • admin
  • February 3, 2018
  • 0
Herbal Treatment

Unfortunately, nail fungus is the most common occurrence that leads to severe complications. Apart from being embarrassing and hideous, it also causes pain and discomfort. Infection, if not treated timely, can spread to other parts of the body.

Fungal infections are always contagious, and infected nails are quite common. By spending some time at the gym, pool or outdoors, one can easily pick up some type of fungus and develop an infection that will be difficult to treat. It is very important to understand what to follow, so that proper treatment can be given immediately. In general, nails that develop fungus will be yellow or white in color. If this happens, there are some natural remedies that should be given instead of strong medications that doctors may prescribe.

Oregano OilOregano Oil

Because nail infections are persistent in nature, it requires a comprehensive treatment plan. Oregano oil is a great treatment for nail fungus. However, it should not be used directly because it is too strong for the skin. Antifungal oregano oil should be mixed with a carrier oil or cream and used twice a day for about 2 to 4 months. Needless to say, fungal infections take time to heal completely.

Pure Eucalyptus OilEucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is effective in treating different types of fungal and bacterial infections. Native to Tasmania, this typical oil contains active compounds that can be used for various medicinal purposes. It is a traditional herbal treatment for nail fungus that is still used in different parts of the world.

LavenderLavender Oil

Lavender Oil belongs to the Mediterranean region, and is one of the most popular medicinal herbs of all times across southern Europe. It is a clean and vibrant herb that smells good and has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is very effective in curing the fungal infections of nails.

Lemon JuiceLemon Juice

Because of the acidic properties of lemon juice, it is very effective in killing fungus of all types, including the ones infecting nails. It has natural antifungal and antiseptic properties that prevent fungus from spreading. Using lemon juice can make the infected area black, but there is nothing to worry. This is very common, s it will start by killing the fungus, which leads to sudden change in color.


Garlic has amazing antifungal properties. To make garlic even more effective, it should be used externally as well as internally. It can be ingested in the form of a pill, which also works in improving and strengthening the immune system. It can be applied by making a juice or paste, directly on to the infected sit.


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