Top 5 Products For Nail Fungus Infections
Nail fungus is a very common condition that causes discoloration, white or yellow spotting, thickening and crumbling of the nail. It can be unsightly and sometimes painful. It is caused by fungi that get into the nail beds and multiply, leading to an infection. Several types of fungus can cause Onychomycosis, also known as tinea unguium, including dermatophytes and Fusarium.
Home Remedies for toenail fungus like apple cider vinegar foothbaths take too long to work. Luckily there are many products out there to treat nail and toenail fungus, some obviously better than others. Given a top quality product, containing ingredients clinically-proven effective in the fight against infections, nail fungal infections can be eliminated easily and swiftly.
But which ones are really effective?
We understand you want to eliminate your fungal infection fast to ensure your nails remain healthy and looking good and you want the very best nail fungus product to help you achieve that. To help you choose the best fingernail and toenail fungus treatment, we did the research on hundreds of products. We then identified the Top 5 products and put them under our microscope to ascertain superiority and effectiveness.
ZetaClear is formulated to eliminate both nail and toenail fungal infections – fast! ZetaClear contains clinically proven ingredients selected by a team of doctors and researchers based on scientific data and designed to get results more effectively than any other treatment available. With a bunch of positive reviews, 60-day money back guarantee and big discounts for multi-buys – this is our top product choice for good reason. READ FULL REVIEW
Funginix, formulated by the manufacturers Sisquoc Healthcare, offers an all-natural nail care solution to combat fungal infections. Funginix claims to have been formulated based on both traditional and herbal medicine in order to combat fungus that can attack and destroy nails. It has a money back guarantee but the reviews we found weren’t great plus the potency of undecylenic acid is much less than in our top choice. Funny, they pinched their name but not their strong formula!
PurNail is a tricky one because the reviews suggest that this works to eliminate nail fungus but when we searched for the finite details about the product, they just weren’t so transparent. We liked that they offer a money back guarantee, and that the ingredients are all natural. However, it is super expensive and they do not list the formula’s ingredients which is a big minus in our book.
Xenna NonyX Nail Gel is an average product that does appear to do what it is advertised to do, but can take some time. Unfortunately, many other products can easily outperform the Xenna NonyX Nail Gel while also offering customers other benefits. It comes in an easy to apply gel application and an easy to use bottle. We found mixed reviews for this product, probably because it can take time to work. We liked it had a money-back guarantee.
Canespro Fungal Nail formula may be effective in treating fungal infections and some of the reviews we found suggested that this was the case. It contains all of the right ingredients it takes to be an effective product. The main problem that we had was the accessibility of being able to purchase this product. This is a UK-based company which makes it difficult for people in the U.S to obtain this product. Returns can be costly for the same reason. Many consumers experienced redness and burning when using this product. In addition, several customers noted that they experienced side effects when using this product or did not obtain effective results therefore, it is a big risk ordering this product.